Flexible Working at the Charter Trust

Flexible working is the name given to any type of working pattern which is different from your existing one.  

What options are available to you?

Flexible Working - DfE definitions
Part Time Working

Part time ​

Working less than full-time hours. Not all teachers who work part time choose to do so. This may be linked to subject and timetabling requirements, particularly if they teach subjects for which there is low demand. Employees can work full time but still have flexible work arrangements in place.

Job share​

Two or more people doing one job and splitting the hours.

Retirement ​

Gradually reducing working hours and/or responsibilities to transition from full-time work to full-time retirement.

Varied Hours

Staggered hours​

The employee has different start, finish and break times.

Compressed hours​

Working full-time hours but over fewer days.

Annualised hours 

Working hours spread across the year, which may include some school closure days, or where hours vary across the year to suit the school and employee.

In year flexibility

Lieu time​

Paid time off work for having worked additional hours.

Personal or family days​

Days of authorised leave during term time to which all employees in a school are entitled.

Home or remote working 

The employee carries out work off site.

Full-time flex

Blended professional development offer – virtual, pre- recorded, in person​

Home working​

Ad hoc requests​

Short term requests

Personal days

Days in lieu

Flexible Working explained